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Legal Disclaimer: The Author is not a registered investment advisor. Investing involves risk. Financial information provided is believed to be accurate but we are not responsible for inaccuracies. I may own these securities for myself or in accounts that I manage. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.
2022 was a bad year. I’m not gonna sugar coat it. It was tedious and frustrating
S&P 500 was down 18%.
The Nasdaq was down 32%.

Rally attempts were met at resistance and we never got any momentum going in a positive direction.
Nothing has changed. So, we must be patient for a confirmed uptrend to emerge.
Here are some of my recommendations that did well. I only recommended stocks during uptrends, so most of these ideas came in June.
Celsius Holdings-
$ CELH @ $78.71 +32% This is a name I am still focused on – great growth and potential to be a big winner when this Bear Market ends. See above

June 11:
$ IMXI at $22.51 +10% A name I ‘m still watching and has the potential to be a big winner in the next Bull Market.
$ CELH @ $78.71 +32% This is a name I am still focused on – great growth and potential to be a big winner when this Bear Market ends. See above
Academy Sports: $ ASO
June 9th:
Academy Sports $ ASO at $37.06 – was a great growth and value name. +41%
Solid winner. New Issue with room to run. Could be a Big Winner in a New Bull Market.

Focus Group Cash Saved Me.
Learn more Here
Dicks sporting Goods $ DKS $97.34 now $120.29 +19%

Recommended in June at $91.07
All time high and the perfect safe, stable name institutions wanted in a year like 2022.
Not exciting but a solid winner. +21%

Losers / Disappointments:
In a year where the S&P was down 18% and the Nasdaq was down 33%, there were bound to be stocks that didnt perform well.
Phillip Morris: Looked Good Until the Biden Administration banned their JUUL a product. Lost 17% overnight – with a 6% yield – it still outperformed the market but was a disappointment.
Vaalco Energy: $ EGY Announced a merger and lost 30%. This company and its merger partner Transglobe $ TGA are still very undervalued and will look to buy if it resumes an uptrend.
Big Five: $ BGFV Still watching and incredibly undervalued but rolled over and is now in a serious downtrend. Solid Cashflow, buybacks, and yield. Yet down 30%. This is why I use stop losses at 7-10%. Because undervalued stocks can get much more undervalued.

Where do we go from here?
All of the indexes are in a downtrend. I’m working on two new watch lists (growth and value). But until we see a new uptrend with volume, we have to be patient.
My goal is to keep publishing free content but create so much value for you that you will think a Paid Subscription is a Great Value.
As you can see, many of my stock picks were outstannding performers and could have made you money last year. I expect more of the same this year, especially if we enter a Bull Market.
Happy New Year